Dienstag, 26. Januar 2010

slavna martinovic

here are some previews of close ups i made, after the lense of my analog broke and i had to go on with a digital canon. so i'm not a child of digital photography and screwed up nearly every shot i did. so i put on the fisheye max gave to me ealy this day and did close ups. hope the 5 films of non digitals i made turned out well :S slavna martinovc is a 1977 born fashion designer from belgrad and was also featured at the mercedes benz fashion week. since i not spoke to her about gettin up some pictures of her dresses, i just put this on as some preview.


Freitag, 22. Januar 2010

Samstag, 16. Januar 2010

matt & kim

first time shooting live. tried to use exernal light. attempt failed