Montag, 27. Dezember 2010

these are the times..

some shots from the united we fall record release show in aschaffenburg.

Mittwoch, 17. November 2010

united we fall record release

made a poster for the upcoming united we fall release show of their debut record "a trip down memory lane" based on the artwork design from max löffler. if you're around the area you should really come over. they're playing with archetypes, a week of sundays and my first failure as special guest.


Dienstag, 16. November 2010

archetypes logo

archetypes have a brand new logo and myspace-profile made by m.löffler for thinktank!


Montag, 15. November 2010

the modern code

went to machete last night, because i was really into rodriguez old stuff like mariachi and desperado, as well as his masterpiece he did with sin city. so the first part was pretty much of what i though it would be, big time trash cinema at it's best. not like you would stay up and say "wow, this shit is deep!" more in a "that's what i expected!"-way. but the second part and especially the end was just wrong in so many ways. i sometimes lowerd my head and just looked to the ground because i felt so ashamed of what was happening right now. when i came back home i really needed a film that wasn't fulltime bloody action and just grabbed DUEL, spielberg's first major film, because i didn't watched for the last 4 or 5 years and i was stunned, felt like i had never watched it before. the pictures of the landscapes, this quite easy but still thrilling story and the fantastic acting without much dialouge. you should watch it, if you have not seen it. really miss the old times. and i hate CGI so much!

copyright by UNIVERSAL 1971

Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2010

Montag, 18. Oktober 2010

the odyssey out now!

together's new EP will be out on the 30th of october as a gatefold CD version or a the gatefold double 7" (coming 10.11). you can order both from the iforus record store.


tour 2010.. the whole set


Samstag, 16. Oktober 2010

look out for this one

i wanted to do a re-issue of this blog on tumblr, but i actually did not found a way to get my pictures up the right way, the always minimalize to the standards. so i just take it the way it is till i'll find out how to get that fixed and get rid of it. whatever. the together ep is recorded and mixed, and will be out on the 29th or 30th of october featuring the photos of hannes m.meier and the artwork of thinktank!


Dienstag, 15. Juni 2010

new year, new faces

after some major changes in the cast, my first failure is back on the track, with their self titled LP re-released as 12" on brainache/dogxknights records from the isle and a upcoming tour through belgium, france, uk and germany. they also working on a brand new 7" coming at the end of the year featuring some new styles and something something.. powers and i did a little shooting at the eastside harbor. part analog, part digital.. no great concepts and everything, just some fishy shots presenting the new members. you can watch mine the next days right here or power's at his space.


updated some pics i took with a minolta dynax 7000i and a ..i don't know edixa anno domini. in some way i really like this camera, even only maybe 6 of 30 came out well. but this is obviously my fault. the picture above is from a digital canon eos 500 (don't mind the car on the right side, i forgot to edit the whole damn thing)
